Plight of Farmers in Punjab: A Cry for Justice

Plight of Farmers in Punjab: A Cry for Justice

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The recent discourse in Parliament highlighted the plight of farmers in Punjab, echoing the sentiments of thousands who feel neglected by the government. Rahul Gandhi passionately advocated for the recognition of farmers like Agniveer as national heroes, underscoring their sacrifices.

Historical Context

Reflecting on Punjab's historical role as the breadbasket of India, it's disheartening to note the perceived neglect from the central government. The flag hoisted at Lal Qila is a symbol of pride for Punjab, where countless youth have laid down their lives.

Agricultural Contributions

Punjab's farmers have been pivotal in feeding the nation, dating back to the Green Revolution of 1967. Despite their critical role during times of national crisis, current demands for MSP (Minimum Support Price) remain unmet.

Recent Protests and Government Response

The recent farmer protests, particularly at Delhi's borders, illustrate the desperation and resolve of Punjab's agricultural community. Tragically, these protests have been met with excessive force, resulting in injuries and fatalities.

MSP and Legal Guarantees

The demand for legal guarantees on MSP has become a rallying cry among Punjab's farmers. Over 700 farmers have sacrificed their lives, yet their families continue to struggle for justice and recognition.

Legal and Order Issues

The handling of law and order, especially regarding the treatment of protesters by Haryana police, has been deeply concerning. Orders to prevent farmers from reaching Delhi borders have led to tragic confrontations.

Economic Impact

Industries in Ludhiana, known for cycles and textiles, are collapsing, illustrating broader economic repercussions in Punjab. The local manufacturing, once vibrant, now struggles to compete with Chinese production capacities.

Call for Justice

Amidst these challenges, the cry for justice echoes loudly. The government's promises under schemes like the Farmers' Income Scheme remain unfulfilled, leaving Punjab's agricultural community disillusioned and neglected.


The situation demands urgent attention and action. As Parliament deliberates, it is crucial to heed Punjab's call for justice and ensure that the sacrifices of its farmers are duly recognized and rewarded.

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