Ishana Night Shyamalan's 'The Watchers' Dazzles with Woodland Horror but Stumbles in Execution: A Promising Yet Flawed Thriller

Ishana Night Shyamalan's 'The Watchers' Dazzles with Woodland Horror but Stumbles in Execution: A Promising Yet Flawed Thriller


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Ishana Night Shyamalan, the 24-year-old daughter of renowned director M. Night Shyamalan, makes her directorial debut with "The Watchers." This film, produced by her father and adapted from A.M. Shine’s 2022 novel, attempts to blend woodland horror with a glossy thriller aesthetic. While it showcases promise in its visual style and atmospheric setup, it falters in narrative execution, leaving viewers with mixed feelings.

Setting the Scene

"The Watchers" centres around four characters who have taken refuge in a concrete fortress in an Irish woods. The eerie setting is haunted by spindly, ash-gray monsters who gather around a two-way mirror to indulge their voyeuristic tendencies. This unique premise sets the stage for a story that could have been a chilling exploration of fear and survival.

Strong Points

The film’s strengths lie in its cinematography and atmospheric tension. Ishana Night Shyamalan demonstrates a keen eye for visual storytelling, using the woodland backdrop to create a haunting and immersive environment. The eerie silence of the forest, punctuated by the menacing presence of the watchers, builds a palpable sense of dread. The cast, led by Dakota Fanning, delivers competent performances that add depth to their characters, despite the script's shortcomings.

The Narrative Twist

In true Shyamalan fashion, "The Watchers" features a twist ending. However, this twist is drawn out over 20 minutes and includes multiple layers, which ultimately dilutes its impact. The film seems to struggle with its identity, borrowing elements from classic horror films like "The Birds," "The Blair Witch Project," and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." While these influences are evident, they contribute to a sense of derivation rather than innovation.

Where It Falls Short

Despite its promising setup, "The Watchers" suffers from several critical flaws. The first hour is described as forgettable and uninteresting, lacking the tension and scare factor one expects from a horror film. The pacing is uneven, and the editing and score do little to enhance the narrative. Characters are underdeveloped, making it difficult for viewers to invest in their fates. The film relies heavily on the mystery of its setting, neglecting essential plot elements and character motivations.

Audience and Critical Reception

Critics and audiences have been divided in their reception of "The Watchers." While some praise the film's visual style and atmospheric tension, others criticize its lack of coherent storytelling and meaningful character development. Common criticisms include the poorly handled exposition and the anticlimactic twist. Social media reactions highlight the frustration of viewers who felt the film's potential was undermined by its execution.

Final Verdict

"The Watchers" is a film that shines in its visual presentation but stumbles in its storytelling. Ishana Night Shyamalan shows potential as a director with a unique style, but her debut effort is marred by a weak script and inconsistent pacing. While the film offers moments of atmospheric horror, it ultimately fails to deliver a satisfying and coherent narrative. Fans of the horror genre may find it worth a watch for its stylistic elements, but those seeking a well-rounded thriller might be disappointed.


In conclusion, "The Watchers" is a mixed bag of promising visuals and flawed execution. Ishana Night Shyamalan's directorial debut hints at a bright future but also serves as a reminder of the importance of strong storytelling and character development. As viewers, we can only hope that her future projects will build on the strengths showcased in this film and address the weaknesses that held it back.

Call to Action

What are your thoughts on "The Watchers"? Did you find it visually captivating or narratively lacking? Share your opinions in the comments below, and let's discuss Ishana Night Shyamalan's potential as a filmmaker. Don't forget to share this post and check out our other horror film reviews and director profiles!

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